As a Local Action Group (LAG) for more than 15 years, RegioL has already implemented numerous Leader projects in the Landeck district and established connections with other LAGs. As a region in the centre of the border triangle between Austria, Italy and Switzerland, we are particularly proud of our cross-border cooperations. This is why the 12 Studytours will lead to very different regions:
- 3 countries – Austria, Italy and Switzerland
- 4 federal states – Tyrol, Vorarlberg, South Tyrol and Graubünden
- 8 districts – Landeck, Imst, Reutte, Bregenz, Bludenz, Feldkirch, Vinschgau and Engiadina Bassa / Val Müstair
Our region is rich in valleys, which we are looking forward to present to you as part of the 12 Studytours. Each individual Studytour will introduce you to LEADER projects and highlights from the respective areas. We are grateful for the support of different partner-LAGs which organize and accompany some of the tours.
Have fun browsing and selecting the Studytours!